Our newest Edgy Ideas podcast episode is now out. In this episode, Leslie Goldenberg and Simon discuss how Lacan’s work can be very useful in coaching practice. Leslie, who is a student at the Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis of San Francisco, shares how Lacan’s psychoanalytic approaches show up in her work saying the most important thing is that “it changes the way I listen”.
Leslie shares how this listening picks up on words and other speech acts that are often missed, such as repetitions and sounds such as um and ah, and how these tell us something about our unconscious relationship to ourselves and others.
Simon and Leslie share their experiences of psychoanalysis and how it is used in coaching. Leslie talks of how the body holds so much of our unconscious experience, and how she might ask a client about any body symptoms they are experiencing as a way to engage with the unconscious.
This fascinating discussion meanders through many experiences and thoughts, ranging from how Quakers and Buddhist practices are connected with psychoanalysis, and the overlaps between Leslie’s ceramic artwork and the unconscious. We hope you enjoy this podcast and it enriches your day!
About Leslie
Leslie Goldenberg is a Coach and an award-winning ceramic artist. Over the past several years, her work has increasingly come to address the unconscious at work in organisational life. Leslie earned her M.A. from UCLA and is currently a student at the Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis of San Francisco.
She holds a PCC credential from the International Coaching Federation, has a Master Coach certification from the Hudson Institute of Coaching, and was trained in our own Eco-Leadership Institute Coaching approaches.
You can listen to the full episode here.