We’ve just released a new episode of the Edgy Ideas Podcast featuring Liz Rivers. In this episode, Liz shares her rich engagement with nature and how it informs her work in leadership and as a coach.
The seasonal organisation refers back to pre-modern times and draws on the Celtic Calendar as a way of connecting our workplaces with the rhythms and cycles of the natural world. The Celtic calendar marks times in the year when the light changes, when we have the shortest and longest days, which in turn mark the beginning and end of seasons. Life and work used to be organised around these seasonal changes, whereas in the process of urbanisation and industrialisation, the clock took over and work was organised without reference to nature or its seasonal rhythms.
Liz uses the seasonal organisation as part of her work to support women’s leadership in her Purpose Power Presence programmes delivered with Hetty Einzig. This training works with the body and the imagination to find space for something other than the constant, driven, male-dominated leadership styles we still find in today’s workplace. Simon and Liz reflect on how men would respond to this ‘women's course’ and how work and the environment can be more integrated in general.
You can listen to the podcast here.
We hope you enjoy this exploration of the seasonal organisation!